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Shigoleva Ye.Ye.




the problem of decision-making and choice in modern science is considered universal and has an interdisciplinary status. Studies of decision-making and choice find their origins in psychology. Studying the process of decision-making is the task of decision-making theory, a discipline dealing with issues of decision-making and choice in economics, management, and organizational management. Translating involves the constant need to make decisions and choices. The interpreter's decisions at different levels of the translation system determine the success of his work and, consequently, of interlingual and intercultural communication, in which he plays the role of an intermediary. In this regard, attention to the translator's personality and, in particular, research into the process of decision-making and choice-making in translation is one of the necessary directions in the development of modern translation science   

Ключевые слова:
Translation decision, translation problem, translation process, translator   

УДК 81

Shigoleva Ye.Ye.

student, Translation Faculty

5120200 – Translation Theory and Practice (English Language)

for Granting Bachelor Degree

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)




Abstract: the problem of decision-making and choice in modern science is considered universal and has an interdisciplinary status. Studies of decision-making and choice find their origins in psychology. Studying the process of decision-making is the task of decision-making theory, a discipline dealing with issues of decision-making and choice in economics, management, and organizational management. Translating involves the constant need to make decisions and choices. The interpreter's decisions at different levels of the translation system determine the success of his work and, consequently, of interlingual and intercultural communication, in which he plays the role of an intermediary. In this regard, attention to the translator's personality and, in particular, research into the process of decision-making and choice-making in translation is one of the necessary directions in the development of modern translation science.


Keywords: Translation decision, translation problem, translation process, translator.


The history of translation has accompanied the history of mankind throughout its development, but the science of translation itself as an independent scientific discipline has declared itself only since the second half of the 20th century, when the first theoretical models of translation began to appear. Modern theories, or models of translation differ in their goals, tasks and methods, because different translation theorists face different realities of translation practice and have different views on such fundamental problems of translation studies as definition of the object and subject matter of translation theory, selection of the criteria of translation criticism, solution of the problem of their and other's in translation, attitude to the categories of equivalence, adequacy, fidelity, accuracy, completeness, liberality, literalism, etc., as well as many others.

The classification of decisions by O. Swenson, who distinguishes 4 types of decision-making: routinized, stereotyped, reflected and constructed. His classification is based on the interpreter's approach to decision making in terms of the amount and quality of cognitive effort that the interpreter puts in.

The first type of solutions - routinized - occurs when the interpreter, without the intervention of consciousness, finds a ready-made solution in his arsenal. This type of solutions (we can talk in this case about an automatic process) is nevertheless a solution, because it is based on experience and previously required the participation of consciousness, having turned into a routine process over time. Consequently, if the interpreter becomes a participant in a think aloud study, such decisions will not be recorded in his/her protocol.

The second type of decisions - a stereotypical decision or stereotyped - also assumes to a greater extent unconscious finding of alternatives, however, unlike the first type, these alternatives are at least two, which requires at least minimal cognitive efforts aimed at their evaluation. The evaluation occurs to a greater extent not on the basis of rational reasoning, but on the basis of subjective preferences. Accordingly, at least two alternatives can be recorded in the thought aloud protocol, but only one remains in the final version without any explication. In such a case, the interpreter does not consciously compare the outcomes of each alternative, but makes a decision based on personal preferences of "worse - better".

The third type of decision - reflective decisions or reflected - refers to the top type of decisions, when the search for options is carried out with the involvement of consciousness with the help of external or internal sources of information. Such a decision, especially in the case of experienced interpreters, may begin with an automatic process, but automatism is interrupted by an obstacle, resulting in the need for conscious reflection. In the process of reflection, the more experienced interpreter more quickly retrieves knowledge relevant to the situation from his or her arsenal, which differs from the less experienced interpreter.

The most difficult type of solutions - the fourth, constructed decision - occurs when the translator does not have a model to solve such a problem, and after a long chain of logical reasoning, he still does not find a solution to the problem. Such a situation can occur, for example, when a phrase is not understood in the absence of the necessary linguistic or extra-linguistic knowledge. The interpreter in this case cannot rely on his own experience, and the choice he makes at the end of his reflection is based on new knowledge.

The study of the decision-making process in translation is conducted and the features of decision-making, which characterizes the conditions of the translation process, are identified. All translation mistakes were divided into groups, types and categories, a clear indication of which is necessary for further work.

The classification is based on the understanding that a meaningful text is stitched with logical connections of two types: on the one hand, between the parts of the text as a speech work, and on the other, between the elements of the situation described in the text. The first type of logicality is called conceptual logicality, and the second type is called subject logicality. It be defined these types as follows: The subject logicality consists in conformity of semantic connections and relations of language units in speech with connections and relations of objects and phenomena in real reality. Conceptual logicality is a reflection of the structure of logical thought and its logical development in the semantic links of the language elements in speech.

The main aspects that allow to reveal the essence of the decision-making process in translation have been identified, namely:

- target regulation of decision-making;

- typology of translation decisions and translation problems;

- stages of decision-making in translation;

- criteria for choosing alternatives;

- unit of orientation in decision making.

The study reveals some procedures that lead to failure at the level of decision-making and, consequently, to the inconsistency of the result.

When considering translation in terms of decision-making and choice, a unit of translation can be defined as a unit of decision-making. The allocation of a unit of translation varies from interpreter to interpreter. Not only its volume varies - as the analysis of the protocols shows, it can consist of a single word, a noun and a part of speech, a word combination, and even a sentence - but also the principles of its selection by different translators; moreover, its volume may change during the decision-making process. A number of errors and problems made by translators may be due to the wrong choice of unit of translation.

Some translation errors are caused by failures in decision-making and selection procedures. Incorrect choice of the unit of orientation, ignoring factors indicative of the problem, omission of certain stages of decision-making are the consequence of insufficient reflection and lead to arbitrary, erroneous decisions. The stages, the omission of which leads to errors, are determined by the type of complexity of the problem for a particular interpreter. Determining the degree of complexity of the problem should occur when there are internal limitations, such as uncertainty and unreasonable confidence, and should be part of the translation reflection necessary for effective decision making in translation.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shigoleva Ye.Ye. TYPOLOGY OF TRANSLATION DECISIONS AND TRANSLATION PROBLEMS // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 4. С. 687 - 691. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8465 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8465

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